Car Modification Rules In India: Legal Vs. Illegal

You should know about the car modification rules in India in case you want to modify your car to give it a personalized touch. You should know what are the legal and illegal car modifications in India before you actually modify your car.

And this is exactly what I am going to tell you in this article. Not only this but I will also tell you whether you should modify your car or not.

So keep reading!

Is Car Modification Legal In India?

Yes, some car modifications are legal as per the Motor Vehicles Act. And you can modify your car up to a certain extent. However, there are some car modifications that are illegal.

Car is the second most prized possession for a lot of Indians. And when you invest such a huge amount, then you naturally want to make the thing truly yours.

You can make changes to your car through modification but the question that arises is: Is car modification legal in India?

Well, the answer to this question is yes and no as well.

There are different types of car modification that you can do. You can do modifications to enhance your car’s:

  • Performance
  • Aesthetic appeal
  • Functionality

Some of these modifications are legal and some of them are illegal. And the modifications that are legal also require you to follow car modification rules in India.

Car Modification Rules In India

Car Modification Rules In India

As discussed, some car modifications are allowed in India. However, the questions that arise are:

  • What car modifications are legal in India?
  • And what car modifications are illegal?

So without any further ado, let’s look at the legal and illegal car modification rules in detail.

Legal Car Modifications In India

Legal car modifications in India include:
1. Changing car color
2. Using performance parts
3. Changing suspension setup
4. Installing the CNG kit
5. Wrapping car body
6. ECU Remapping
7. Upgrading car tyres
8. Interior modification – cabin color, seat cover, audio system, etc.
9. Modifying for differently abled
10. Installing luggage carrier
11. Changing headlight bulbs
12. Installing DRLs
13. Window tinting
14. Installing body kit

Let us look at them one by one.

1. Car Color

Legal Car Modifications In India

Many times it happens that you don’t get the car color of your choice even if you choose the best time to buy a car. And then people keep wondering whether it is legal to change car color in India or not.

Well, it is legal to change the color of your car to your liking as long as you have taken permission from RTO. Yes, you need to take prior permission from the RTO to change your car color. Also, the new color needs to be mentioned on the RC of your car.

2. Performance Parts

Car companies generally don’t use performance parts to keep the overall cost of the car low. And you can also not expect costly parts in cars under 5 lakhs, right? However, if you use such parts you can extract more performance from your car without any modification. Using such performance parts is also legal in India.

Having said that not every performance part is legal to use. But you can definitely use parts like air filters.

3. Suspension Setup

Suspension plays a very important role in a car’s ride and handling, right? It can improve the car’s ride quality and can also better its handling as well.

Changing the suspensions of the car is a legal modification in India. However, the thing that you need to note here is that the new suspension setup should not decrease or increase the ground clearance of a car by a huge margin. If it does then it will not be a legal modification anymore.

4. CNG Kit


Petrol and diesel prices are rising every day. Therefore if you want then you can get a CNG kit fitted in your car from aftermarket. Doing so is perfectly legal.

Running the car on CNG will definitely lower your fuel expenses. However, if you want then you can check out my FREE Mileage Booster e-book to decrease your monthly fuel expenses. In this e-book, I have mentioned more than 15 tips to increase the mileage of your car right away.

Get FREE Mileage Booster E-Book

After using the tips in the e-book, do not forget to measure the mileage of your car using our car mileage calculator.

5. Body Wrap

Car Body Wrap

If you were also wondering whether car wrapping is legal in India or not then there is good news for you.

According to the vehicle modification rules in India, body wrapping a car is legal. However, the only condition is that the wrap color should be the same as the car’s original color. You do not need to take any prior permission from the RTO to wrap your car. And you can choose from metallic or matt finish wraps as well.

The benefit of the body wrap is that it protects your car from scratches. But if you don’t know then let me tell you, you can claim insurance for car scratches in India.

6. ECU Remapping

If you want to extract more performance from your car then you can also remap its ECU. However, according to the car modification rules, it should be done according to the permissible limits.

7. Car Tyres

Car Tyres

Changing car tyres and alloys are also legal car modifications in India. You can definitely upgrade to better ones.

But you can not use oversized alloys and tires in your car. The tires or alloy wheels should not change the ground clearance of the car drastically.

8. Interior Modification

Interior Modification

Changing the car interiors is also a legal modification in India. Therefore you can go ahead and modify your car’s:

  • Seat and seat covers
  • Matts
  • Audio system
  • GPS navigation system
  • Rear or front parking cameras
  • Steering cover
  • Dashboard and cabin color, etc.

If you want then you can also install a rat repellent device to protect your car from rats.

9. Modification For Differently Abled Person

According to the car modification rules in India, you can make changes to a car to suit the need of a differently abled person. But you need to take the prior permission from the RTO of the same.

10. Luggage Carrier

As discussed, if you install a CNG kit in a car then it eats up a lot of boot space. However, you can install a luggage carrier in your car without any permission if you want.

A luggage carrier is especially suitable for a person that likes to do long trips.

11. Headlight Bulbs

Car Headlights

Changing the headlight bulbs of a car is also a legal car modification in India. If you want then you can change the halogen bulb of your car with LED ones. However, you cannot change the color of the headlights.

12. Installing DRLs

If your car doesn’t come with company-fitted DRLs then you can install them from the aftermarket. It is legal according to the vehicle modification rules in India.

13. Window Tinting

Tinted car windows can be very effective on hot summer days to keep your car cool. Therefore if you want then you can get your windows tinted. But make sure that the tinted windows are not reducing the visibility by more than 50%.

14. Body Kit

Car Body Kit

Is body kit legal in India? If you were also wondering about the same question then there is good news for you.

Yes, body kits are legal in India as long as they are not altering the original specification of the car.

Body kits are in demand nowadays, and many car manufacturers have also started providing the same.

Illegal Car Modifications In India

Illegal car modifications in India include:
1. Loud exhaust
2. Number plate
3. Bullbars & crash guards
4. Tinted windows with less than 50% visibility
5. Oversized alloys & tyres
6. Body wrap of different colors
7. Additional lights
8. Engine swapping

Now let’s look at what are the illegal car modifications in India.

1. Loud Exhaust

Illegal Car Modifications In India

According to the vehicle modification rules in India, you simply can’t use loud aftermarket exhaust in your cars.

The loudness of the exhaust should be strictly less than 75 decibels.

2. Number Plate

All the cars should have high-security number plates which are issued by the RTO. Using a designer or after-market number plate is illegal in India.

3. Bull Bars & Crash Guards

Bull Bars & Crash Guards

Usage of bull bars and crash guards in cars is illegal modification according to the car modification rules in India.

Therefore you simply can’t install them in your car.

4. Tinted Windows With Less Than 50% Visibility

Using tinted windows that have less than 50% visibility is also illegal in India. You will have to pay a hefty fine if you do so.

The visibility of the tinted windows should be more than 50%.

5. Oversized Alloys & Tyres

Oversized Alloys

Installing oversized alloy wheels or oversized tires is also illegal car modification in India. Doing so can hamper the handling of the car and can risk your safety and the safety of others too.

6. Body Wrap Of Different Colors

Illegal Car Wrap

Body wrapping your car in different colors is also an illegal car modification in India. Doing so can change the color of your car, which you can’t do without taking permission from RTO according to the Motor Vehicles Act.

7. Additional Lights

You can change the headlights of your car but you cannot install additional headlights on it. Also installing lights on the roof of the car is considered illegal car modification in India.

8. Engine Swapping

According to the car modification rules in India, you cannot change the engine of your car. This is because on the RC of your car, the engine, and chassis number are mentioned. And modifying the car from what is mentioned in the RC is illegal.

Should You Modify Your Car?

Yes, you should definitely modify your car according to your need. However, just keep the car modification rules in India in mind before doing the modifications.

So we have looked at all the legal and illegal car modifications in India. I am sure by now you must have made up your mind as to what all modifications you will be doing to your car.

But if you are still confused then let me help you out.

If you want to make your car truly personalized then you should go ahead and modify it. Modification not only means making a car look more appealing. But it also means to make it more performance oriented or to make it more functional.

However, before modifying your car, just keep in mind what is legal and what is not, then do things accordingly.


Can We Modify Cars In India?

Yes, you can modify cars in India however not every car modification is legal.

Is Modified Car Legal In India?

Yes, modified cars are legal as long as the modification is done according to the car modification rules in India.

Is It Legal To Change Car Color In India?

Yes, it is legal to change the car color in India once you have taken the permission from RTO.

Are Car Modifications Illegal In India?

No, not all car modification are illegal in India. Some car modifications are legal.

Is Car Modification Allowed In India?

Yes, car modification is allowed in India upto a certain extent.

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